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Definitive treatment for scars

Neural therapy with Procaine.

Occasionally there are scars that suffer a series of alterations in their healing phase, generating a pathological scar. There are factors that directly influence this process, such as the depth or size of the wound, location on the body, oblique or vertical injuries and areas with greater tension. There are different types of scars:

Flat or normal scar: imperceptible lesion with anatomy functional integrity.

Keloid scar: it extends beyond the lesion beyond the skin and can cause burning and itching.

Hypertrophic scar: extends beyond the surface of the skin surrounding the wound, causing functional limitations and contractures if located on a limb or joint.

Atrophic scar: this type of scar is characterised by insufficient collagen production, causing sagging of the skin in the area of the injury.

Normo trophic scar: injury caused by some kind of burn, causing a contraction of the skin and deforming it.

Neural therapy is indicated for this type of pathological scar, reducing pain and favouring the healing process, being effective in acute and chronic processes. This therapy is easy to apply and has no adverse reactions to procaine, obtaining notable results from the first application.

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