Monday to friday: from 9:00h to 14:00h and from 16:00h to 21:00h
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Bruxism is a neuromuscular problem, very common in the population, which consists of an involuntary habit of contraction of the jaw muscles.
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Importance of Podiatry in the prevention and treatment of the foot in diabetic patients
La diabetes mellitus se define como un conjunto de trastornos metabólicos, en los que los niveles de  glucosa en la sangre  son elevados de manera persistente o crónica. Dicha concentración [...]
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Treatment of Dry Needle in Myofascial Pain Syndrome
La punción seca es una técnica de tratamiento semi-invasiva empleada por fisioterapeutas que utiliza agujas de acupuntura en el tratamiento del síndrome de dolor miofascial, caracterizado por la presencia de [...]
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Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and Circulatory Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a treatment of gentle, repetitive and rhythmic massages, designed to facilitate the circulation of lymphatic fluid, with the aim of redirecting it to the lymph nodes [...]
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Rehabilitation of the pelvic floor and abdomen muscles
It is the set of muscles and ligaments that surround the abdominal cavity in its lower part. Its best known function is to retain the viscera of the abdomen and [...]
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What is the infant, juvenile and teenager scoliosis? What are its causes?
Idiopathic scoliosis is a deformity of the spine, in a healthy child, without being able to establish a cause that produces it. It is defined as a lateral deformity of [...]
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The magic of massage on the baby and the child!
The skin is the largest organ in the body, that protects us from the outside world and at the same time connects us with it. That is why paediatric or [...]
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Paediatric Osteopathy helps fight the most common problem of the nursing baby!
The most accepted definition of infant colic was described by Wessel in 1945, as an inconsolable crying in the baby with less than 3 months of age, with a crying [...]
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