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Hypopressive Abdominal Therapy

Hypopressive abdominal therapy is a type of abdominal gymnastics that helps to strengthen and re-establish the tone of the muscles of the abdomen, both superficial and deep. Rebalances the fascia helping the correct positioning of the viscera and the organs of the abdomen and pelvis. They also benefit the correct functioning of the diaphragm, respiratory function and regulate chest pressure.

They are performed following guidelines that reduce the pressure on the abdomen during their performance, unlike traditional abdominals that increase it, so they are very beneficial exercises and are recommended for people with back pain, pelvic floor problems or women who are undergoing postpartum recovery, as they are done carefully so that these structures suffer as little as possible.

Among its benefits are the reduction of the abdominal perimeter, the postural correction of the back, the strengthening of the pelvic floor, the functional improvement of abdominal and pelvic organs and viscera, and the prevention of hernias or vertebral disc prolapses.

They can be performed in isolation, or combined as an accessory treatment to pelvic floor recovery therapies, postural corrections, treatments for scoliosis or spinal deviations, respiratory problems, etc.

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